Hey all!
Silverspoon and I would like to thank all of you guys for your fic requests that have been steadily filling our inbox over the past few weeks. We're really glad you decided to share your ideas for our favourite couple, and we're working our way through them as quickly as other projects/real life, allows.
We have to admit, we were pretty stunned by your response, and so in light of the number of requests we currently have, we hope you guys won't mind if we temporarily suspend the request function. I'll leave the form on the page here, and we'll let you all know when we're ready to take new requests!
As well as your requested oneshots, we also have two new multi-chapter fics coming up, both dealing with Jo's return in season 7 and how WE think that should go! We'll also be regularly updating 'The Curse Of The Winchester Women' over on Fanfiction.net, and hope to get an update of 'Jukebox Tales' up on here as soon as we can. We also have individual projects in the works, so stay tuned, there's heaps more Dean/Jo fics coming up over the next few weeks and months.
Finally, thanks for reading, reviewing guys, you rock our socks!! :)
You can find both myself and Silverspoon over on Facebook (under our pen names) and on Twitter, where you can keep up to date with current fics, new fics, chat about the show and get all excitable about Season 7.
Twitter - SammyFishFace and WelshWitch1011